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Open until December 19


Klima2+ was opened by Minister of Climate and Environment Sveinung Rotevatn on 24 June 2020.

The exhibition will last until December 19, 2021.

See the opening program here!

The exhibition Klima2+ will be a place to understand, discuss, and do things together. Klima2+ also invites visitors to take action through art, practical workshops, and activism.

How long does a sweater last? How hot is a summer? How dangerous is a mosquito?

Everything is related to climate. Look closely, and you will discover this.

Many people are engaged in and committed to countering the climate crisis, many people with many thoughts and perceptions – there is enthusiasm, solidarity, and dreams, but also anger, fear, and great sadness.

Three things to spark insight

The museum has selected three items from its collections for inspiration in discussing various themes; an industrial weaving loom, a supercomputer, and malarial mosquitoes. Using the themes of the clothing industry, weather forecasting, and global health, we invite you to join in discussions on the greatest challenge of our time, the climate crisis. These things do not stand alone. They are surrounded by images, texts and other things that set them into a larger context, with several layers of stories about the climate crisis. Look carefully.

CRAY X-MP/24/ Photo: Håkon Bergseth/ Norsk Teknisk Museum

A fairytale forest

As in a fairy tale or adventure story, great things are at stake, and the hero has to go through many trials to reach the goal. In “The Climate Adventure,” you and I have to be the heroes – every day.

Old-growth forests with high biodiversity are often called fairytale forests, or magic forests.

Our forest is not like other forests. The weather and the mosquitoes may be there anyway, like thoughts you bring with you. Or like the clothes you wear, which you may not be thinking too much about.

The three things open up our thinking about how everything is related to climate.

Feel the mood in the forest. Listen carefully.

Steiner formet som hjerter. Foto

Malariamygg/ Foto: Håkon Bergseth/ Norsk Teknisk Museum

Conservation Workshop

What has made the road from the clothes closet to the trash bin so very short? A conservation workshop has been placed in the exhibition. It is practical and useful for treating museum objects, but the workshop is also meant as a basic reminder to take care of things, to use them for a long time, to repair them, and to buy less.


The collaboration with artists engaged in environment and climate issues allows us to explore how artistic perspectives and sensitivity can mobilize our visitors in empathetic and unexpected ways. The exhibition project thus brings together scientific perspectives, insights from the critical humanities, and art.


There will also be physical and digital events in the exhibition. There everyone can share thoughts and knowledge. 

See more about the events!


The activity program in the coming weeks and months is related to climate, and there will be exciting activities at the museum all summer long. The poster shows everything from textile printing with natural dyes, science shows, and water mill workshops. Infection control measures are in place.

View the full program!


- Teknisk museum’s core areas are closely linked to the climate crisis, a crisis that does not have a single solution, but we are confident that technology is an important part of the solution,” says museum director Frode Meinich.  More than creating an exhibition with clear answers and many items on display, we want klima2+ to be a meeting place for climate change. We aim to engage everything from experts in various fields to school students – and most people, he says enthusiastically.

Now, when the museum has created a climate exhibition for the second time, and the 2015 Paris Agreement has sharpened two-degree goals to be “well below two degrees,” Klima2+ became a natural name choice. The audience will understand it relates the exhibition directly to the global crisis, the discussions, and not least the goal of saving our civilization as we know it, says Meinich.

Cray X-MP Foto: Håkon Bergseth/ Norsk Teknisk Museum

Industrivev. Foto: Håkon Bergseth/ Norsk Teknisk Museum

Malariamygg Foto: Håkon Bergseth/ Norsk Teknisk Museum

Norsk Teknisk Museum

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Kjelsåsveien 143
0491 Oslo
Org. nr.: 979676832

Tlf: 22 79 60 00

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